Organic Ginger  ( 250g )

Organic Ginger ( 250g )


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Ginger is believed to have originated in the Indian subcontinent. It has a strong pungent smell which makes it an excellent choice of spice in cooking. It has sucha flavour that it can increase the production of saliva once eaten. It is not only used for culinary purposes but also used for therapeautic purposes. Chinese medicine has used ginger for over 2000 years and recommends it for curing several ailments. Organic ginger is considered as a superfood according to Ayurveda and aids in curing digestion and respiration issues. Ginger is believed to be a giver of good health and is believed that it is a plant from the Garden of Eden. Did you know, ancient Romans used ginger widely and so expensive was it that one pound of ginger was equivalent to the price of one whole sheep.

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